The Hartford Area Development Foundation will help you find the right location for your business. We provide business consultation, site and building selection, financial assistance, and have a network that can bring your dreams to reality. With wide ranging business experience among its members, the Hartford Area Development Foundation has the knowledge to lift your business to new heights.
Business Consultation
Hartford Area Development Foundation will assist the start up, expansion, or relocation of your business in a confidential manner. Business planning, financial analysis, marketing assistance, workforce topics, and other issues that affect the future of your business are within the scope of services offered. Our staff and our network can help you find solutions to your problems and maximize your opportunities.

Tax Incentives
Sales Tax Rebate
The City of Hartford offers a rebate of local sales tax (2%) on eligible machinery and equipment. Conditions are set forth in Chapter 11.03 of the Hartford Municipal Ordinances.
Tax Abatement
Property taxes on new tax base created from business expansions can be abated on a five year schedule: 1st year – 100%, 2nd year – 75%, 3rd year – 50%, 4th year – 25%, 5th year – 25%.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
Property taxes on new tax base created from business expansions can be captured to fund infrastructure improvements needed for the project.
Hartford Area Development Corporation will work with the City of Hartford and you to determine what assistance best fits your situation.
Business Assistance
Hartford Area Development Foundation is here to help you achieve business success. We will help you get financial assistance, work with the City to provide property tax incentives where possible, help you find the right site or building, assist with business planning, and maximize your benefits of locating to Hartford.